We exist to glorify God by making disciples who make a big deal of Jesus where we live, learn, work, and play. But how do we make disciples?  What is a disciple anyway?  And how do we know if we're being successful?  Our Discipleship Map helps to answer those important questions and is the framework we use to ensure our ministry activity is aligned with our mission.  The map is also a valuable tool that help us evaluate how we're doing in our individual discipleship journey and how we can continue to grow.

Discipleship Map

The Discipleship Map is a tool to help assist us on our journey as disciples. It serves to encourage us never to grow stagnant but always to be growing deeper as disciples as we make disciples.

ABIDE in the Christ
Engage personally in relationship with Jesus:

  • Spend time in Scripture and prayer daily.
  • Develop other spiritual practices.

GATHER around the Gospel
Engage regularly in corporate worship:

  • Worship God through God-exalting worship.
  • Grow deeper through Gospel-centered preaching.

CONNECT in community
Engage relationally with other believers:

  • Community Groups: Living out the one another's.
  • Care Groups: Mutual support for specific seasons.
  • Equipping Groups: Equipping for life, faith, and ministry.
  • Discipleship Groups: Reading, journaling, and praying through the Scriptures with the purpose of multiplication.

MULTIPLY your influence
Engage intentionally in ministry and missions:

  • Influence your church by serving nd giving generously.
  • Influence your community by sharing the Gospel.
  • Influence your city by participating in local outreach.
  • Influence the nations by partnering in global missions.