Discipleship Survey

Do members of Southbrook vote on decisions?

The Bible teaches that leadership within the church is to be entrusted to a group of godly men (i.e. elders) who are identified and affirmed by churches members. Though this group is to provide spiritual leadership, they should always remain humble, approachable, and ready to receive input from those they shepherd.

The voting model of church governances is known as congregational. In this model, the members of the church are given the primary authority and responsibility to govern and make decisions. Though this is a traditional style of church government, we do not feel it best reflects the teachings of Scripture.

How can the elders fulfill their responsibility of evaluating the Lead Pastor if he, too, is a part of the elder board?

Though the Lead Pastor serves on the elder board, he is not the “lead” elder. A non-staff elder who serves as chairman leads our board. This ensures organizational health, as well as overall accountability. The board looks to the Lead Pastor to shape mission, cast vision, preach God’s Word, and provide overall spiritual leadership to our church and staff. However, all of this is done under the macro-leadership of the elders. We have found this model ensures greater alignment, accountability, and effectiveness.

Do the elders vote on decisions?

No. The elders make decisions based on consensus, not majority vote. This not only ensures alignment, but it also encourages total dependence on the Holy Spirit to speak, lead, and guide the board. Therefore, if there isn’t alignment around a decision that is being made, the elders will continue to pray and seek guidance from God until there is unity.

How are new elders selected and identified?

When it comes time to select additional elders, the members of the church are asked to nominate godly men whom they feel meet the biblical qualifications. The current elder board prayerfully reviews the nominations trusting God to lead them to the men He’s prepared to serve during a particular season. Through a process of prayer and interviews, the elders then present the specific candidate(s) to the church body for affirmation. If anyone objects to a specific candidate, they are provided a pathway to do so. The elders hear each objection to ensure the candidate is suited to serve as an elder. If the objection does disqualify the candidate, he is removed from consideration.