Discipleship Survey

We believe it is impossible to grow as a disciple apart from authentic biblical community. The purpose of every group and the content of its specific focus is to motivate each participant to grow in relationship with Jesus and advance in discipleship.

We offer different Group opportunities depending on your next steps:

Community Groups

The Bible tells us that we were never meant to live life alone. Instead, we were created for relationships. We believe it is impossible to grow as a disciple apart from Authentic-Biblical Community. Community Groups are vital to fulfilling our mission. These groups are the primary environment for building relationships and doing life with other believers. Within Community Groups, we discuss the truth of God's word and talk very specifically about how it applies to everyday life. You can join one at any time.

Mixed Groups: Women, Men, or Couples            Women's Groups            Men's Groups

Care Groups

Our Care Groups focus on a specific and commonly shared—often traumatic—experience or life situation, with the intent to always be moving forward in discipleship to Jesus.

Care Groups

Equipping Groups

Practical help and training is the focus of these fixed length groups. Equipping Groups provide a place to learn together a specific skill or discipline centered on a particular topic, always moving forward in discipleship to Jesus. Groups coming soon!

Equipping Groups

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship Groups are gender-specific groups of 3-5 growing disciples who meet weekly to make disciples who make disciples. Within these groups, there is an intensified and systematic examination of the Scriptures, including journaling and prayer, building authentic accountability, and always moving forward in discipleship to Jesus. are gender-specific groups of 3-5 growing disciples who meet weekly to make disciples who make disciples.