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Sports Friends mission logos-19


Josh felt a call to serve in some missions' capacity 20 years ago. After serving in different roles within cross cultural ministry(for 10 years), he sensed a clear call from God to become part of a team that is at work in Central Asia. He is now working with 6 other people who are supporting some newer opportunities for ministry in Central Asia with a team of 16 adults and 19 kids. This team is growing and new platforms for work are being started.

Josh serves as the Advancement Director, helping to connect people around the world in any way to the work in Central Asia. People may go serve there for any length of time, give financial support, pray for the ministries, and get newsletters from workers there. Any way Josh can help build a relationship for the sake of the Central Asia workers is part of the work he does to support these countries that are considered unreached with very few believers. His work allows the people in these ministries to focus on building relationships to evangelize and disciple people for the Gospel.

Bryan came into relationship with Jesus in college, and early in her faith she had a strong desire for others to know the hope she had found in knowing Christ. Within 6 months of coming to faith, she found herself on her first international mission trip, where she spent 6 weeks in Argentina learning what it looked like to share her faith cross-culturally. Prior to that point, she thought missionaries were maybe a little crazy, and had no desire to be apart of missions despite her love for the Lord. That trip changed everything and shifted her worldview in a significant way. She saw and met people who were just like her with the same brokenness and need that she had for God's love and grace. Being a part of church and hearing worship in another culture gave her a fuller understanding of what it means to be made in God's image. And most importantly, she experienced the joy of seeing God at work changing people and found within herself a great longing to join Him seeking to make His name known among the nations.

Twenty years later, Bryan still finds herself overwhelmed with love, joy and often tears when she hears stories of how Jesus is making Himself known to those who are waiting for Him among the nations. For the last 10 years, She has been serving with Sports Friends, which is a ministry of the international mission organization SIM. Sports Friends serves in 20 countries ministering to more than 280,000 young people by working in partnership with local churches and church planters in those contexts to provide training on how they can use sport to reach youth, families and communities with the Gospel. She loves being a part of a diverse, global team, and working alongside people that are heroes of the faith to her. She serves as a member of the Leadership Team by helping to mobilize people (to work with Sports Friends), prayer, and care (for the workers) ministry. Her experience in missions and ministry has given her a heart to walk alongside people helping them to see how God is at work in their story. 

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Josh as he nurtures relationships with people who are interested in helping Central Asia ministries.
  • Please pray for Josh as he encourages, mentors, and coaches several of the Central Asia workers in various ways.
  • Bryan's works part time and also cares for their son Elijah. Pray for wisdom on how to best priortize her working hours, and that God will give her discernment for the ministry under her care.
  • Pray that the God would give Bryan the ability to hear His leading, wisdom and encouragement as she cares for workers within the ministry of Sports Friends.
  • Pray for Josh & Bryan as they continue to learn about what it looks like to parent Elijah and disciple his heart towards Christ. He is such a joy, and they are finding that they have much to learn in each season of his development. Pray that they would be quick to look to the Lord for wisdom and that Elijah would see Christ in us.