Equip Event | Lifeline Children's Services

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November 15, 2023

6:00pm – 8:30pm

Category: Outreach

Lifeline Children’s Services’ four decades of experience assists families through adoption, foster care, orphan care, education and counseling, or serves women in unexpected pregnancies. Learn about the plenty of opportunities for us all to get involved and do something!

Breakout Sessions:

Worthy: Discipleship-focused mentoring program with vulnerable women.

The Worthy Mentor program is designed to connect local churches with women who have experienced unexpected pregnancies. Worthy church partners offer loving support through one-on-one mentoring relationships that are guided by a 10-week Bible study.

Heritage Builders: Meeting the needs of vulnerable youth.

Heritage Builders equips the local church to meet the needs of older youth who have been abandoned and/or abused and are now leaving the foster care system. This partnership helps ensure adolescents age out well by empowering churches to advocate in one-on-one relationships, provide life training skills and serve as a connection to resources.

Adoption/Foster Care: Becoming a missional-minded family through adoption or foster care.

Lifeline Children’s Services serves children and families through domestic and international adoption. As well as support and resources for foster care. Lifeline is currently recruiting missional-minded, gospel-centered families for vulnerable children.

*Childcare available for birth - 5th grade - must register!

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